Sponsor a Child FAQs

Will I sponsor a specific child, and may I write to them?

Yes! Children love to receive letters. Though it is not required, we encourage you to exchange letters with your sponsored child. We believe that you will find this to be a joyful and rewarding experience. There are two approved methods for communicating with your sponsored child. The first is by sending either an e-mail message or scanned letter by e-mail to [email protected]. The other is by mail at Generative Partners P.O. Pox 61421 Denver, CO 80206. Whichever method you use, please be sure to include your full name and the name of your sponsored child.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation supports the costs of healthy food, school supplies, education, and health and enrichment programs for one child. Your investment in the wellbeing of children will be pooled with others to create the maximum life-changing benefits for the most children.
How often may I communicate with my sponsored child?
Write as often as you like! We will translate your communication with your sponsored child and your sponsored child’s communication with you as quickly as possible. Please be patient as translating letters both ways takes time, and other factors such as Brazilian holiday periods can add to this time. The fastest way to communicate with your sponsored child is by sending e-mails or scanned letters and drawings by e-mail to [email protected]. You are also most welcome to send letters to P.O. Box 61421 Denver, CO 80206.
May I communicate directly with my sponsored child, such as by e-mail, phone, text message, internet, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media, etc.?
No. Although we invite and encourage you to correspond with your sponsored child through Generative Partners®, in order to ensure the safety and privacy of our children, sponsors may not enter into contact with their sponsored children directly by any method, including, but not limited to, e-mail, phone, text message, internet, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, any social media, or any other method. All communication between sponsor and child must go through and be monitored by Generative Partners®. Our complete child safety policy is available on the sponsor a child portion of our website. We appreciate your support of our child safety policy.